Caring for your BELLY Postpartum

How to best care for your belly in early postpartum


QueenCare - it's a Mom thing

1/30/20232 min read

WARNING! This is NOT a blurb about how to chase down those flat abs, or fit back into your pre-baby jeans. BUT, while we’re here let’s talk about that anyways…We encourage you to take a minute (or two, or ten) to really appreciate the outside of your new postpartum body…Take time in the mirror to look at your kanga-pouch tummy and see that she’s not ashamed, but actually quite proud of herself! That incredible tummy has just made space for an entire human being to live, and grow and have its first home. And we’re pretty proud too because honestly, how is that even possible!?

…But most of all, remember that it's your tummy, and your baby, and your body, and none of this would have been possible without your courage and strength. So take a moment to hold your head high (even while your tummy may be hanging a little bit low) and be proud too.

Alright, let’s now talk about caring for what’s going on, on the inside!

- Eating healthy high-fat foods (avocado, nuts, greek yougart, etc) is very important to keep your recovering body in good health. Remember that no matter how Baby has arrived, you have an internal wound the size of dinner plate, and the body needs good quality, healthy food to do its best healing.

Energy levels are at an all time low, so avoid consuming high quantities of sugar or caffeine, which are notorious for crashing the body's immune system. It sounds simple, but it’s easy to forget that our main sources of energy come from food and from sleep - and since many Moms may be asking, “what is sleep!?” it’s even more important to focus on healthy food.

-Drink LOTs of fluids and pee frequently!! The bladder and uterus are working together in those early weeks to shift the organs back into their happy homes. Cool, eh? Have your water bottle nearby while feeding baby, and make it a habit to use the washroom when the feeding is done.

Ps: Breastfeeding Moms need even MORE water to keep up with milk supply.

-Be prepared to experience contractions in the early days and weeks after birth, especially when feeding your new cutie. These are normal, and healthy, but can be surprisingly intense. But we know it’s nothing you can’t handle !

And above all, REST, REST, REST. Now is the time to ask for help, and to receive it when people offer. Little things like, having someone with you to fill your water bottle, change the baby’s diaper, grab you a snack are HUGE helps. Log as many hours as you can on the couch, or in bed.

Your body will thank you. ♥

For more info & tips on how to care for yourself postpartum, check out BLOG post: