Glass A**!?

Helping to reduce hemorrhoids during pregnancy and postpartum.


QueenCare - it's a Mom thing

5/31/20232 min read

GLASS A**!?!?

You’ve just completed a marathon birth, are learning how to breastfeed, and potentially have some stingy stitches you’re trying hard not to think about. And then BAM, GLASS A** !

This is a tough one right here. After birth and the early postpartum whirlwind, hemorrhoids can really feel like a slap on the a**.

It’s not likely too many of your Mom friends are keen on sharing this part of their story, but take comfort in knowing that hemorrhoids are a very common experience in both pregnancy and postpartum.

In fact, they’re so common for birthing women that Anusol (a brand of hemorrhoid treatment) even has a section on their webpage just for Moms! Go figure.

So, if you find yourself experiencing these particular pains the butt, have hope and try out to these helpful tips:

First things first, smooth bowel movements are going to be a big key to having a comfortable time on the toilet. The best thing to support softer movements is to drink PLENTY of water, and to focus on high-fibre foods like whole grain breads/crackers, brown rice, fruits and veg. These foods are good for you and baby, whether you are experiencing hemorrhoids or not! And make an effort to avoid refined sugar, and limit dehydrating drinks like coffee.

A recommended daily dose of Senokot, over-the-counter stool softener or herbal "smooth move” teas, can be a great help to soften bowel movements.

For more support, try adding these steps to your bathroom routine:

  1. Use a squatty potty to help avoid straining. Try your best to breathe deep, and RELAX.

  1. Use a peri-bottle, or hold a warm cloth on your perineum as you pass a bowel movement. This provides extra support to your pelvic floor, and can be quite comforting.

  2. Get a good ointment! Our favourite is Anusol PLUS that treats both internal and external hemorrhoids, as well as provides pain relief for symptoms like itching and swelling.

  3. Lavender and/or chamomile essential oils can help to reduce swelling. These can be applied with a perineum spray, many women love Frida and Momma Earth brands. (Can be purchased @LuellaCharlotte)

  4. Trust that you’ll get through this! A Sitz bath in chamomile and lavender epsom salts can also provide comfort and reduce swelling.

Final Thoughts

Listen to body! Don’t overdo it. Take time to rest each day.

If you find the hemorrhoids are persistent, it could be worth a visit to a pelvic floor physiotherapist.

Our local favourite local is Heather Conlin, found on our website or on Instagram @thatphysioheather