How to be a GREAT friend to a new Mom! ♥

Helpful hints on how to show a new Mom that you really care.


QueenCare - it's a Mom thing

11/17/20221 min read

BRING FRESH FLOWERS. Moms spend a lot of time in the house, and nothing brightens the home better then a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Our favourite locals are Primrose & Willow, or Picked by Laurie (bought @ TincapFarm)

FOOOOOOOOOD! One of the biggest struggles in early motherhood is to keep both yourself AND the rest of your family well fed. Meals that can be pulled out of the freezer, or a home cooked meal right from your home to theirs is a HUGE gift.

LEAVE YOUR KIDS AT HOME. If you have children already, you know they can be distracting (at best), and you also know that those early weeks with a newborn can feel hectic and overwhelming. Help to cut down on the chaos, and make the new Mom feel important, by taking time away from your family to be with hers.

ASK QUESTIONS. Take time to really ask how she is doing. If you are comfortable to, ask how she felt the birth went, or what she is most looking forward to, or enjoying about this new season. Ask what she is finding difficult. Really listen.

HELP! Make Mom a tea, instead of having her make you one. Unload the dishwasher. Give the bathroom a quick wipe-down. Fold a load of laundry. Or leave cute post-it notes around the house that encourage her, and let her know that she is seen and doing a great job!