Managing the Witching Hours

Here are a few tried and tested strategies on how to manage the dreaded "witching hours".


12/1/20232 min read

Parenting is a rollercoaster journey.

Daytime snuggles can be the BEST THING EVER, and then evening comes, and the dreaded witching hours can be a hard reality.

These hours of fussiness can feel endless, but hold onto hope! This phaseis temporary, and QueenCare has a few strategies up our sleeves for managing through;

1. Prepare yourself!

If you notice that your baby is fussy in the evening, give yourself a head start by prioritizing rest earlier in the day, and have a good snack in the late afternoon so you have better energy to manage these difficult hours.

2. Take an Evening Walk

Step out into the crisp evening air with your little one. A gentle stroll can do wonders for both of you. The change of scenery and the calming outdoors can have a soothing effect on your baby, making the witching hours more manageable.

3. Give Baby a Bath (or Bath Together!)

A warm bath can work wonders for your baby's mood. The sensation of water can be incredibly calming, and the use of lavendar scent can be a real winner. Consider making bath time a family affair – it's a great way for both parents to bond with the baby and create a peaceful routine.

4. Bounce on an Exercise Ball

Gently bouncing on an exercise ball can provide rhythmic motion that many infants find soothing. It's a low-impact way to comfort your baby while giving your arms & legs a break.

5. Trade On and Off with a Partner

Parenting is a team effort. Consider trading off with your partner – one hour on, one hour off. This ensures that each of you gets a break to recharge, reducing stress and fatigue.

6. Play Music That YOU Like and Dance & Sing

Create a playlist of your favorite tunes and let loose! Your baby may be captivated by the music, and the act of dancing or singing can be a joyful distraction during fussy moments.

7. Cluster Feed & Watch a Familiar Show/Movie

Cluster feeding can help your baby feel more secure and satisfied. Combine this with some downtime for yourself – watch a familiar show or movie, one that you don’t need to hear every word of! This can be a good way to relax while still tending to your little baby's needs.

8. Go for a Drive

A change of scenery and the gentle hum of the car can be a miracle worker. If your little one is struggling to settle down, a short drive might be just the ticket to a calm & quiet baby.

9. Be Honest with Where You're At

Parenting is a rollercoaster of emotions. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. Be honest with yourself and your partner about your emotions. Sharing your feelings can strengthen your support system.

10. Know When to Call in for Backup

Don't hesitate to lean on your support network. If a trusted friend, or another family member is available, call them in for backup. A helping hand can make a world of difference.

11. Pep Talk!

Parenting is a marathon, not a sprint, and during the witching hours, it's essential to give yourself a pep talk. Remind yourself that you are doing an incredible job. Take a deep breath, acknowledge your efforts, and remember that it's okay not to have all the answers.

You are learning and growing alongside your baby. Embrace the challenges as opportunities to become an even stronger and more resilient parent.

Above all, know that you are not alone in this journey! Embrace the support around you, take care of yourself, and reach out for help when you need to. 💜